
Gabriele Beveridge (Hong Kong, 1985) vive e lavora a Londra. Nel 2010 ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Fine Arts alla Slade School of Art e nel 2007 ha conseguito la laurea triennale in Fotografia al Falmouth College of Arts.

Alcune tra le sue mostre personali includono: Parisian Laundry, Montreal (2017); CHEWDAY’S, Frieze Focus, Londra (2016); Deweer Gallery, Otegem (2016); CHEWDAY’S, Londra (2016); MOT International, Bruxelles (2015); Elizabeth Dee, New York (2014); La Salle de Bains, Lione (2014); Zabludowicz Collection, Londra (2014); Van Horbourg, Zurigo (2013). Tra le mostre collettive a cui ha preso parte: Echoes of the Ornamental Garden, Seventeen, Londra (2018); Folly, EMALIN, Stirling, Scozia (2016); National Gallery 2: Empire, CHEWDAY’S, Londra (2015); Summertime, Gallerist, Istanbul (2015); Pre-Pop to Post-Human, Hayward Gallery, Londra (2015); Between the lines, Galería Agustina Ferreyra, San Juan (2014); Display, University of Connecticut Contemporary Art Gallery, Connecticut (2014); La Chose Encadree, Glasgow International (2014); Comrades of Time Comrades of Time, Cell Project Space, Londra (2013); Desire, Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York (2013).

Gabriele Beveridge (Hong Kong, 1985) vive e lavora a Londra. Nel 2010 ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Fine Arts alla Slade School of Art e nel 2007 ha conseguito la laurea triennale in Fotografia al Falmouth College of Arts.

Alcune tra le sue mostre personali includono: Parisian Laundry, Montreal (2017); CHEWDAY’S, Frieze Focus, Londra (2016); Deweer Gallery, Otegem (2016); CHEWDAY’S, Londra (2016); MOT International, Bruxelles (2015); Elizabeth Dee, New York (2014); La Salle de Bains, Lione (2014); Zabludowicz Collection, Londra (2014); Van Horbourg, Zurigo (2013). Tra le mostre collettive a cui ha preso parte: Echoes of the Ornamental Garden, Seventeen, Londra (2018); Folly, EMALIN, Stirling, Scozia (2016); National Gallery 2: Empire, CHEWDAY’S, Londra (2015); Summertime, Gallerist, Istanbul (2015); Pre-Pop to Post-Human, Hayward Gallery, Londra (2015); Between the lines, Galería Agustina Ferreyra, San Juan (2014); Display, University of Connecticut Contemporary Art Gallery, Connecticut (2014); La Chose Encadree, Glasgow International (2014); Comrades of Time Comrades of Time, Cell Project Space, Londra (2013); Desire, Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York (2013).

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